
Tuesday, 24 July 2018

No Pony Time

I've hit a busy patch at work and haven't managed to do much with the ponies for a few days. I was working super early mornings, then switched to late nights this week. My body has no concept of what time it is half of the time. It should only be one more night though, so I'm planning on getting back on tomorrow.

I managed one ride on Cisco after our wonderful lesson last week. I think he was trying a bit harder to evade having to actually work (that shit is hard y'all!), but we had a few really nice upwards transitions. It was super hot again, I was super sweaty, and the blister on my heel that I got during my lesson was getting rubbed again, so it wasn't a very long ride. I'm hoping that the blister will be mostly healed by the time I get going again.
I didn't want to get out of bed on Sunday either. 
Phantom has had like 10 days off. I hoped to get out on Friday night after a quick nap when I got home from work - I was off at 2pm so in theory I should have had lots of time. But on my way home I picked up some new wi-fi lightbulbs that I had to install (Amazon Prime Day purchase) so I laid down a bit later than I had planned. And about 20 minutes later a massive storm rolled in. So no sleep. Just exhaustion. Thus no riding.
This is how to tell that it's rained a bunch lately.
Since Thursday the only thing I've managed to do with the kids was let them loose on Sunday morning for a run in the arena. Phantom was very happy to do so. Cisco had some short-lived sass. That was it.
Sunday was a bit of a busy day. I was hoping I would crack 30,000 steps but didn't quite make it. These were all walking steps.
Expect a return to your regularly scheduled programming soon!

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