
Thursday, 26 July 2018

I Realized Something

I finally managed to get back in the saddle on Wednesday. I've been feeling pretty crappy for the last couple of days (the contracting uterus type of crappy) but I was determined to get in a ride of some sort.

I decided that Phantom was going to get some exercise since she's the one who hasn't been ridden in two weeks. She was coughing a bit - because I haven't been out much she hasn't been getting any spirulina. Since I didn't have a ton of energy, we kind of matched.
I needed this view tonight.
Phantom got off easy. I had little expectations for her. For me though - I had stuff to work on. Keeping my hands lower. Thumbs on top. Elbows opening. Heels down. Not riding off my heel. And I just realized I forgot to think about turning my torso when going to the right, dammit.
I discovered after my ride that I forgot to put my spurs on. Totally didn't realize it until I went to take them off and they weren't there. 
I put my stirrups up a couple of holes to help me get some depth to my heels. I haven't ridden with a jumping length in probably a couple of years. And I discovered something.

I really miss riding in a jumping saddle.

I mean, I wasn't in a jump saddle, just jump length stirrups in my treeless dressage saddle (which isn't overly dressage-y). My leg felt super tight, I could canter in a balanced two-point, and it just felt like home. I miss that.
Riding in my new Pikeur Pepina breeches. Love the textured look!
Now I have more incentive to find a new jump saddle to fit Cisco this fall.

Hopefully, by the time I start looking, he will have gotten skinnier. Cisco moved to a diet pen today. His new roommates are both mares - we'll see how it goes. I wish there was a gelding for him to play with, so I'll keep my ears open in case a new potential buddy comes available. The girls just aren't as playful as the boys are.

We're in for another heat spell this weekend. I need to try to get in a couple more rides before I start melting again.


  1. Oh- those breeches look nice!

    1. They have a bit of a sheen to them as well. They should be paired with a nice shirt - might be an excuse to go shopping this weekend when it gets hot!

  2. I always feel so unstable in a dressage saddle (even more so in a western saddle lol) I hope you find the perfect jump saddle!

  3. i always waffle back and forth about which i prefer - my jump saddle or my dressage saddle. i think i feel the most secure in the jump saddle tho.... also i love those pants too!
