
Wednesday, 5 January 2022

Blog Hop: Would You Rather

I don't have much horse content for the rest of the week - with the -30 temperatures, and a car that has decided to go on strike, I don't know if I'll make it out to the barn until the weekend. So, might as well join the blog hop!

Spooky or Steady?

Steady, if they have enough go. If they don't, I'd rather spooky. 

Matchy-Matchy or Mismatched?

Matched somewhat? I wouldn't buy the full-on set of stuff, but tend to buy things in certain colors (mostly navy and black) so things kind of go together just based on what I already own. Since I don't often put leg wear on my horses, I only have saddle pads and whatever I wear to coordinate. 

Tall Boots or Half-Chaps?

Definitely tall boots. I always wore tall boots when I was younger, but have been wearing paddock boots and half-chaps since I got back into riding and my calves were a bit more, um, athletic than they had been. My custom Celeris boots arrived this summer and I'm loving riding in the tall boots again. My leg just feels so much more secure and anchored in them.

Indoor or Outdoor?

This one is easy - since I live in the land of ice and snow for half a year, an indoor is kind of required if you want to do much riding over the winter. The reality is that I can ride outside for about 4 months of the year - if it hasn't poured rain, the mosquitoes aren't horrendous, the sun isn't too hot, the ground isn't too hard because it hasn't rained, or it's too dark in the evening after work. 

Bay or Chestnut?

There's something I've always loved about a blood bay. 

Plus, I've already had a chestnut. Haven't had a bay. Need to collect one in every colour!

Hard Shell Boots or Sports Medicine Boots?

Well, if I had to choose one, it would be hard shell boots. They'd probably just sit next to my other hard-shell boots that live in my locker and seldom see a horse leg. 

Free board for a year or 20K for a shopping spree?

My board comes to well under 20K a year, so I'd definitely pick the shopping spree. Rambo blankets for everyone!

Long Mane, Short Mane, or Roached Mane?

Short mane. Can't stand long manes (though Phantom's is bordering on feral horse length these days). Despite Cisco's consistent multi-length mane, I refuse to allow that roaching is an option.

Lazy or Hot Horse?

Hot. I'm pretty chill so I can get my horse to copy me. I end up working far too hard on a lazy horse. 

Private Barn or Boarding Barn?

I'm happy to pay for services at a boarding barn, especially in this -30 weather, but I prefer a smaller, quieter facility. I've been spoiled and can't stand riding in a busy arena. 

Create your dream barn or own your dream horse?

Does this dream barn come with stable boys to clean it for me?

Part of me would love to have my own place to keep my horses at home, but I also know that at the end of the day, I'm lazy, and having horses at home means constant work, and at times, little time to actually ride. So I guess I'll pick my dream horse - he stays clean, is always sound, has great feet and doesn't need shoes, never wrecks his blankets, will jump everything in the jumper ring before heading into the dressage ring for a steady third level test, and stays 11 years old forever.

Roman Nose or Dished Face?

Love me a big schnozz. I haven't met too many dished faces that I've been a fan of. 

Ride an Olympic-level horse or take a lesson with an Olympian?

I took a lesson with a former World Champion (Gail Greenough) and still remember some of the feedback to this day. (Within minutes she nailed me for locking my elbows during a turn which meant that my distance disappeared - something no one else has ever told me, and that I continue to have to work on.) Would do it again. 

But, just because someone has ridden at the top level, doesn't mean they can teach. I wouldn't want to ride with them just because they are an Olympian, but because they have a good reputation of being able to effectively coach riders of all levels, especially amateurs on average horses. 

I'd love to ride an Olympic-level horse, but I doubt I'd be able to get it to trot in a straight line! I'm sure it would be very cool but also a very humbling experience. 

Own a miniature horse or donkey?

Yes to both! A whole herd of them, if I could!

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