
Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Too Cold. Not Leaving the House.

 I'm writing this at about 10pm on Monday night. I haven't been outside since about 8pm on Saturday. I was hoping that I would miss the worst of the cold but no, when I go to work on Tuesday morning it's going to be somewhere in the -30 range. The polar vortex has settled in, and it's not going to disappear this week.

Can't decide if I would prefer these temperatures of the thigh deep snow the east coast got this weekend.

Every time I look at the forecast the cold seems to be lasting longer. I was hoping to be able to ride this coming weekend, now it looks like it will be the middle of next week before it warms up enough. 

I baked this weekend. Blueberry Crumble Cookies. 

Cisco's bodywork appointment was wisely moved until next Monday. I think the lady comes from over an hour away, and I know I wouldn't want to be driving too far in these temperatures. I'm okay with that as hopefully I'll be able to ride just a couple of days later and see if I feel any positive effects from the appointment.

A batch of chocolate chip cookie dough. I make dough balls and freeze them so that I can pull them out of the freezer and just bake a couple at a time and eat them fresh out of the oven whenever I want to.

In the meantime, I'm going to try not to eat all the baked goods that I've made and make myself get on the treadmill and do some yoga stretches every day. The ass mark on my couch has gotten a little deeper over the last week!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh - go away polar vortex!! It is getting colder this week in Ontario as well. Not fun for man or beast in that weather.

    Genius idea to make cookie dough and freeze it in small batches!!! I'm totally going to do that this weekend!
