
Tuesday, 20 August 2019

First Day of Vacay

Vacation is finally here. Not that I'm going anywhere - I have two horses so I can't afford to leave the city. Or do anything within the city. Or really leave my house or look on the internet. Staycation it is!

The only equestrian chain store in Canada - Greenhawk - conveniently started their summer sale on my first day of vacation. I had a small list of things to look at so I drove across the city after sleeping in and lazing around all morning. No guilt - I'm on vacation.

I picked up a few things, most of which I didn't really need. I grabbed an Acavallo Sensitive Bit to try for Cisco (which wasn't on sale), a couple of bib style shoulder guards that were on sale for $10, a cheap fly mask for Phantom as I'm not sure that her Cashel one will survive the rest of the summer (I'll try to find some on sale over the winter to replace it for next year), and a pair of boot socks for me. They didn't have the guinea pigs ones that I wanted, so I settled for "Cone of Shame" socks.

It was a bit late to ride by the time I got out to the barn, so I tackled something that I've needed to do for a while - wash tails.

Since Phantom is now wearing her fly sheet that has a tail flap, it means that she poops and pees all over her tail. And her hind legs. So gross.
Forgot to get before pictures. Trust me - it wasn't pretty.
Cisco is much cleaner in general. His tail wasn't so much poo stained as mud-stained. He hates the wash stall - he's pretty sure it's the horse murder stall. So he kept up his idiot dance the whole time and I ended up much wetter than I had hoped.
The bottom of his tail is mostly white now. Sad face. 
I didn't bother to comb tails out as the bugs were bad and they would be swishing their tails all night. The mosquitos were so bad even in the barn that I sprayed Cisco with bug spray, put his blanket on, then drenched his neck in fly spray again because the mosquitos were mocking my earlier attempt. I think it's time to dig out his ill-fated fly sheet neck cover and fix it up and see if he'll keep it on this time. Maybe the third time will be the charm.

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