
Monday, 1 April 2019

Black Breastplates & Small Saddlepads

I had my first nothing-at-all-to-do-all-day day in a while on Sunday. There was a clinic at the barn so I wasn't teaching or riding, and since I've had a bunch of late nights at the barn the last couple of weeks I decided that I was taking Sunday completely off. I planned to sleep in late, and catch up on some housework. By which I mean surf the internet all day while watching Hanna on Amazon, have an afternoon nap, and remember at the last minute to throw a load of laundry in.

I'm shopping for a new breastplate in black to go with the new saddle for Cisco, and looking for options on pony/cob sized saddle pads.

I know what I want for the breastplate - something that looks like this:
This is the BR Heywood breastplate.
I really like the thicker, curved part that goes at the front of the chest.

The BR Heywood is currently the forerunner. The problem is that I can't seem to find it online at too many places. Divoza has it on sale at the moment, but they only stock it in a full size, and I'm pretty sure I'll need cob.  (Can't find a measurement chart either.) So far the only other place I've found that has it stocked is in New Zealand. There is a local tack store that carries BR products so I might shoot them a message and see if it can be ordered.

I've found a couple other versions that are similar - Dy'on has one (but sadly with brass fittings), Kentaur makes one, Flexible Fit has one with the same type of front but navy elastic straps to the saddle.

Pony saddle pads are a whole 'nother issue.

They're either really expensive (like, going to cost $130+ per saddle pad) or I hate the colours. I don't want bright pink or baby pink, or baby blue, or cute ribbons on the trim, or hearts and ponies embroidered on the corner.
I covet this one by Equestrian Stockholm in Moroccan Blue. Thankfully, they're sold out.

And then everything else is black or white. Or so it seems.

I found a place that's clearing things out and they have a pony-sized pad in white, black or yellow. I'm thinking of grabbing the white and black ones and getting Pony Grandma to fancy them up. They'll only cost about $16 each so it might be worth trying it.
I also covet this one by Equestrian Stockholm. It might be relatively simple to fancy up a saddle pad into something similar.

At the end of April I'll be going to Mane Event in Red Deer, where there is a large trade show. I'll try to wait until then to look for a breastplate, but I'm pretty sure that the chances of finding a black one are slim. I'll keep on using my brown breastplate until then - the horror of mismatched tack!


  1. Shires I think has a black breastplate but I am not sure if it comes in the style you are looking for.

    And Ogilvy makes pony pads! But they are SIGNIFICANTLY smaller then their normal pads.

    1. I need shorter pads (top to bottom) but not necessarily shorter front to back. I'm still not sure if I need to order new panels for my saddle, but if I do I might go a size down so that I can find pads to fit a wee bit easier.

  2. That Moroccan blue one is pretty much my favorite color ever. I love it.

    1. Pretty sure it's going to end up on my horse at some point. They sell out quickly though!

  3. I love that pad!
