
Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Another Winter Day

It looks like it will be another week between rides again.

Daytime highs aren't too bad, but I'm one of those poor working people who are stuck inside during the day. By the time I get on a horse it's cooling off, and those nighttime lows are pretty chilly.

Not to mention that Wednesday is farrier day, and that my car started rattling somewhere under the hood on my way home on Friday. I'll hopefully get it in for service this week, but I'm a bit worried about taking it out on the highway until it's fixed.

The ponies are bundled up in their snowsuits so I doubt that they are missing me.
They'll forgive me. I made cookies.
In the meantime, I have to repair Cisco's blanket that had the tail flap partially torn off. Frankly, I'm surprised that it's taken all winter for this to happen. I think I'll just do it by hand at this point, as I'm hoping that he won't have to wear it for much longer this spring. Over the summer I'll get his winter gear all patched up properly.

I really need to bring some tack home to clean. Bridles and girths are getting a bit grungy. I hate cleaning strapwork, so if I'm going to do it I do a proper job of it and take everything apart and clean and condition it. Preferably in front of a TV at home.

Assuming the weather forecasters haven't gotten it too wrong, I should be able to ride this weekend, and the weather for next week is finally looking like a spring weather forecast should look. I'll get a whole week of riding in before vaccination day on the 16th. Phantom will end up with a forced vacation for about a week afterwards as she ends up with lumps at the injection site. I can't remember what happened to Cisco last year. But the week after that is vacation for me! Mostly a staycation - I'll be spending one day at Mane Event in Red Deer. The rest of the week will be pony time, which is the best kind of vacation I can think of (except Disneyland. Which is hopefully next year's vacation.).

1 comment:

  1. Sorry the weather is going to keep you from riding :(
