
Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Still Cold

There hasn't been too much happening over here in Gray Flannel Horse Land. For the last week it's been fairly chilly - not the nostrils freezing shut as soon as you step outside cold, more the I just don't want to have to get bundled up after I get home from work kind of cold. The actual temperature has been hovering around my definitely not going to ride temperature of -15C, and there's always a windchill added to that.

On the news last night they were saying we only had 2 days in February that it got above the freezing mark. That's it, just 2. I'm pretty sure I had to work on one of them, and it rained on the other one. I know February isn't over yet, but for the next 14 days, it isn't looking like that number is going to get higher.

It's supposed to get nicer starting tomorrow - close to 0C, but not quite past it. So I'm going to try my best to ride 4 days in a row. Fingers crossed!

Note that the ponies haven't started shedding yet so they are obviously convinced that they live in the Arctic and are now polar ponies. I won't believe spring is coming until I see gobs of hair coming off.

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