
Monday, 25 December 2017

Merry Christmas!

I hope that everyone is able to spend time with family and friends over the holidays. And, of course, your four-legged critters.

It will be mid-week before I can get out to the barn to give the ponies their stockings. I tried to head out on Saturday night - and drove straight into a snowstorm. The wind was blowing the snowflakes directly at me, giving me the warp speed effect, and when a vehicle passed me the visibility became non-existent. I turned around and came back home.
This will be me going out to catch a horse this week.

Now we are into a cold spell for about the next 10 days. -20 celsius or colder for most of that time (that's -4 or colder for you non-metric people). I'm hoping to get out during the day on Wednesday. Just hoping that the fruit I bought for the stockings holds out that long!

Have a safe, happy Christmas everyone!🎅🎄


  1. Merry Christmas. We had snow, then freezing rain, now rain. sigh.

    1. But rain means warmth! I don't know if I would prefer that to the freeze your nostrils shut cold we have.
