
Thursday, 30 November 2017

My 1 Hour Visit

My second Black Friday purchase to arrive was Cisco's new bridle from Solo Equine. It arrived on Monday, but I couldn't haul my butt out of bed until Wednesday evening to try it on him. Review to come once I have a bit more time.
He's sexy and he knows it.

He and Phantom are back out in the big field with more horses and seemed to have settled in nicely. The last couple of times that I went out to grab him he was with someone other than Phantom, which is what I wanted to happen. I don't like that he's so reliant on her. Thankfully, nasty grey arab from the summer is no longer there, so it has been a much smoother transition than it was this summer.

One disadvantage to being out with other horses - Cisco's suit of armor has taken a few hits. He's got a few dents in it. And by dents, I mean chew marks, since a Kensington fly sheet can't be dented. Obviously.
Those marks are new.

I'm definitely keeping an eye out for a deal on a new one. I have a feeling I might have to put a new Kensington in my annual budget every year for a while.
And so are two of these three.

Good news is that the suit of armor is still doing it's job, and no chew marks were seen on his new Shedrow blanket. And yes, I do realize that I've jinxed myself by saying that.

Cisco came in just to try on the bridle. Phantom came in just so I could slap on more leg goop and let her slurp up her beet pulp soup. I had a whole hour to spend on two horses. Then it was off to work again to make money to pay for these creatures!
Phantom did a crap job with contouring her face this morning. Not so heavy on the bronzer Phantom! (And you might want to change up the poo colour.)


  1. Glad his armor is working and I hope it continues to work!

    1. Me too! I don't want to have to leave him naked in our prairie winter. I mean, he'd survive, but cooling him out after exercise wouldn't be fun!
